torsdag 18 juni 2015

Alien: Isolation

Steam summer sale strikes again and a game I wouldn't buy has been bought just because of the sale. I have been wanting this game for a very long time, but I have not really felt the urge to buy it until now.

First impression of the game was quite boring in my opinion. The atmosphere is nice and it feels scary but just going around doesn't really make me tickle. After the first encounter with the xenomorph (the perfect organism, alien or whatever you want to call it) the game intensifies and becomes a lot more fun. As the game progresses it becomes a lot more fun and if you have seen the movies it's very funny because there are some easter eggs in the game.

Before I even start to "review" this title I will say this. If you don't like stealth games then this game is probably not for you.

The game is about Ripleys daughter trying to find out what happened Nostromo so you are going to a station where the flight recorder is. To your surprise the stations is not working as it should and when the team that recovered the flight recorder got back it brought the parasites with them and hell broke lose.

I don't want to spoil because I really like the story of the game and the atmosphere really makes this game what it is. The AI of the xenomorph is really really bad sometimes, could just the difficulty that makes the AI stupid but you can hide in the open sometimes and the xenomorph just passes by you. Like the picture beneath, sometimes this works, but sometimes it doesn't.

Well I really enjoy this game so I would actually recommend it to everyone that is a fan of the alien movies.

Enjoy some screenshots: